Cookies Info

Arkman here! I´m sorry but unfortunately this website uses cookies for collecting demographic info. I know you hate to see this but it's true. it provides me better info of where my viewers are from. i use google analytics for this it does not collect personal data except for the following: Location of state, Country & how many times you visit the site. you can view google's analytics policy . If i am missing anything important in this text please email me immediately. It is your legal right to know this stuff and i respect this law as a consumer and a producer. I am not an evil corporation 

 I am one guy. 

Cookies and other technologies used for analytics help collect data that allows services to understand how you interact with a particular service. These insights allow services to both improve content and build better features that enhance your experience.

Some cookies and other technologies help sites and apps understand how their visitors engage with their services. For example, Google Analytics uses a set of cookies to collect information and report site usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google. ‘_ga’, the main cookie used by Google Analytics, enables a service to distinguish one visitor from another and lasts for 2 years. Any site that implements Google Analytics, including Google services, uses the ‘_ga’ cookie. Each ‘_ga’ cookie is unique to the specific property, so it cannot be used to track a given user or browser across unrelated websites.